Students in this class will explore these central questions about poetry: What is a poem? How is it made? What makes a poem convincing? How do we talk about the poems we make? Through critical analysis of texts, writing exercises, and workshops, students will learn how to read as writers and write as readers. We will explore aspects of craft—stanza, line, rhythm, image, diction, voice—and each student will have the opportunity to receive thoughtful, critical feedback from their instructor and peers. Further, we will create a supportive and engaged community of writers of which everyone is a welcome, integral member. Students will end the course with a portfolio of their poetry. Students are encouraged to take the course more than once to work on their writing in this classroom and community environment. Each semester of Poetry Workshop will involve new readings and writing assignments to foster exploration for students taking the course repeatedly.
Course Number
High School
Credit per Semester
Enrollment in grades 10-12 or consent of instructor