Course Catalog 2025-26
Students enrolled as single course students are not eligible to take a Leadership, Homeroom, or Wellness course as their only course. Single course students may add Homeroom or Wellness in addition to their single academic course.
Travel Adventures with Dr. Katsir (HRM12Y)
If you enjoy traveling and exploring new places, join this homeroom where we will share stories about our travel experiences...
Exploring the Outdoors with Mrs. Birge-Liberman (HRM12Z)
Love hiking? Rock climbing? Kayaking? Camping? Like the idea of all that but are not sure how to get started?Just...
Astronomy Club (HRMCA)
The Astronomy Club gathers every Friday at 9:00am Pacific Time to discuss all things astronomy, including astrophotography, the Astronomy and...
Ethics Bowl Club (HRMCB)
The Ethics Bowl Club meets weekly to prepare for the regional (and maybe divisional and national?) Ethics Bowl competition. Club...
Latin Club (HRMCC)
Whether you can quote the Aeneid by heart or are only vaguely familiar with a handful of Roman gods, the...
FTC Robotics Club (HRMCD)
This club meets frequently on site in the San Francisco Bay Area and online to work together as a FIRST...
Science Bowl Club (HRMCE)
The Science Bowl Club meets every Friday at noon Pacific Time to play Science Bowl. We also prepare for university-sponsored...
Math Competition Club (HRMCF)
The Math Competition Club meets weekly to prepare for a variety of math competitions of all levels and to solve...
The OHS Observer (HRMCI)
It’s said that journalism is the “first rough draft of history.” Come, contribute to this first draft of history, and...
Model UN Club (HRMCK)
In the Model UN (or MUN) Club, students role-play as delegates to the United Nations, the United States Congress, and...
High School Homeroom (HRMHS)
Stanford OHS Homeroom is an opportunity for students, instructors, and staff to come together to share school-wide announcements, discuss a...