Course Catalog 2025-26
Students enrolled as single course students are not eligible to take a Leadership, Homeroom, or Wellness course as their only course. Single course students may add Homeroom or Wellness in addition to their single academic course.
Portrait Drawing (OPD10)
A studio drawing course for high-school students of all skill levels with interest in portraiture. Students will learn the elements...
Landscape Drawing (OPD11)
A studio drawing course for high-school students of all skill levels with interest in drawing natural and constructed landscapes. Students...
The Study of the Mind: Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy (OPS10)
In this course, we will study the mind and human behavior by exploring emerging insights in the intersecting fields of...
Marginalized Voices: History of the US (JH001)
This course will examine social, economic, and political developments in American history from the settlement of the colonies to the...
Empires and World Civilizations to 1800 (JH002)
This course examines world history from the beginnings of the earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia to the formation of global networks...
Revolutions and Rebellions (OH005)
This course examines a series of interconnected revolutions that transformed the modern world. Building on skills acquired in earlier history...
Globalization and Imperial Exchange (OH010A)
This course examines critical developments in the long history of globalization and empire from the Hellenistic Era to the present...
American Culture and Society (OH011A)
This course surveys the history of the United States with a focus on the development of citizenship and civil rights...
Advanced History Research Seminar (OH032)
In this seminar students will study major topics in contemporary American and global history, including but not limited to post-war...
Latin 1A (JLA1A)
The first year of this two-year sequence (comprising Latin 1A and Latin 1B) gives students the foundations of Latin grammar...
Latin 1B (JLA1B)
The second year of this two-year sequence (comprising Latin 1A and Latin 1B) continues to give students the foundations of...
Chinese - Foundations (OCH11)
This beginning Chinese course is designed for students who have no previous experience with the Chinese language, and emphasizes practical...
Chinese - Intermediate (OCH12)
In this fast-paced intermediate level course students continue to rapidly acquire vocabulary essential for daily interaction, and sentence structures which...
Chinese - Advanced Intermediate (OCH13)
In Advanced Intermediate Chinese students are engaged with readings, discussions, compositions, and projects based on issues encountered in present-day Chinese...
Latin - Foundations (OLA11)
In this accelerated introductory course, students will master the basics of Latin grammar and vocabulary and begin reading short Latin...
Latin - Intermediate (OLA12)
In this Intermediate Latin course, students complete their introduction to grammar and vocabulary in the fall semester and begin to...
Latin - Advanced (OLA13)
In this advanced Latin course, students concentrate on refining their reading skills and tackling longer passages of prose and poetry...
Spanish - Foundations (OSP11)
This course is designed for students with no previous experience with Spanish or with very basic proficiency. Students are introduced...
Spanish - Intermediate (OSP12)
This course will help students attain proficiency in an interactive setting by building on the basic Spanish language skills acquired...
Spanish - Advanced (OSP13)
This course is designed for students who wish to become fluent in Spanish across interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication modes...