Tracy Steele
Director of Student Affairs
Dr. Steele earned a Ph.D. in Psychological Studies in Education with an emphasis in Child and Adolescent Development from Stanford University in 2009. She holds two Master's degrees, one in School Counseling and Guidance and the other in Secondary Teaching. Prior to entering the Stanford doctoral program, Dr. Steele held a variety of positions working with secondary students. She has worked as a teacher and/or director in South Africa, Venezuela, Russia, and the U.S. Currently, Dr. Steele serves as the Director of Student Support at Stanford OHS where she focuses on student social and emotional development, wellness, and issues of diversity, equity and inclusion while also conducting research and teaching at the university level.
Steele, T., Nuckols, G., & Stone, C. (2020).Technology trends in school counseling. Journal of School Counseling, 18(10). Retrieved from http:/www.jsc.montana.edu/articles/v18n10.pdf
Steele, T. & Nuckols, G. (2018, July/August). It’s a virtual world. ASCA School Counselor, 27-32.
Steele, T. M., Jacokes, D. E., & Stone, C. B. (2017). An examination of the role of online technology in school counseling. In T. P. Remley, Jr., W. D. Rock, & R. M. Reed (Eds.), Ethical and legal issues in school counseling (4th ed.)(pp. 29-49). Reprinted article from Professional School Counseling, 18(1), 125-135. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5330/prsc.18.1.428818712j5k8677
Steele, T., & Stone, C., Nuckols, G. (2017, March). [School counselors and cyberspace survey]. Unpublished raw data.
Steele, T. (2016). Counseling: Meeting student needs online. In J. Scarborough and R. Ravaglia (Eds.), Perspectives from the disciplines: Stanford Online High School. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Steele, T.M, Stone, C.B., Meyer, E.J. (2016). Bullying, cyberbullying, and sexting: School counselors’ perceptions and roles in intervention. In ideas and research you can use: VISTAS 2016.
Steele, T., Jacokes, D. & Stone, C. (2014). An examination of the role of online technology In school counseling. Professional School Counseling, 18, 125–135. (Link to publication)
Steele, T, Ferranti, D. & Stone, C. (2013). Cyberspace usage. American School Counselor Association, Washington, D.C.
Oishi, L. Keating, J. and Steele, T. “Why Students Value Online Learning: Perceived Strengths & Weaknesses at a School for Gifted Youth.” Presentation at the American Educational Research Association’s 2012 Annual Meeting.
Steele, T.M., Peterson, M.D., Silva, D.M., & Padilla, A.M. (2009). A year-round professional development model for world language teachers. Foreign Language Annals 42(2), 195-211.
Steele, T.M., Oishi, L. & O'Connor, K.M. (2009). Learning world languages and cultures in California: A stimulus for academic and economic success. Stanford, CA: The California Foreign Language Project. (Link to publication)