This advanced Spanish course will explore the topic of cultural diversity in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America through analysis of images (video, film, documentaries, art, music) and a variety of texts (e.g., poetry, short stories, essays, articles). Students will study texts and visual culture in order to analyze characteristics of Iberian and Latin American cultures, histories, and peoples. By employing strategies for creating a meaningful education, students will be able to demonstrate their proficiency in Spanish in each of the three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. Language skills will be developed through oral presentations, research projects, and written reflections on visual material, literary, and non-literary texts. Upon completion of the course, students will have developed a broader knowledge of Hispano-American societies and histories, will have greatly enriched their vocabulary, and will be able to grasp linguistic and grammatical structures that enable them to produce, comprehend, and acquire a variety of written, spoken, and aural materials.
Course Number
High School
Credit per Semester
Spanish - Advanced/Spanish 3 (OSP13) or equivalent as determined by placement assessment